Tuesday, May 6, 2008

here i am...

dear void,
so here i am! i have joined one more trend and started blogging. i can't believe it! how did i slip into something else to conform me and make me a cookie cutter person? oh well. i'll enjoy it.
i always have enjoyed the few times i journaled. i could unfurl my ideas and bare my soul in a safe haven of paper and pen. now i do the same with keyboard and computer screen. hmmm... i think way too much about nothing important and get myself all worked up and never think about anything worthwhile and am apathetic. this needs to change. here i can release my ideas into you, dear dear void, without fear of ridicule or misunderstanding at least to my face. and just maybe my ideas could be heard and at the very least appreciated and agreed with. at best they could change lives.
so here i am, to open up to you, world, and let you inside my mind. no telling what's in there. dun dun dun haha
good night dear void

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