i know i haven't blogged in forever... i'm sorry. but the world is back to... well not anywhere near normal but school is done thus one HUGE weight is off my shoulders. yes mr. creasman i know i passed them all but just passing is not acceptable!! the world is messy and my life is complex and painful. my emotions have failed me once more. i placed my hope in something that let me down and it hurts but i'm trying to learn (i'm trying to get the lesson God!) that i can not place my trust in men! only in Him.
but tonight is not a night for dwelling on my aching heart but a joyous occasion - an anniversary!!!! yes i am completely single but i have an anniversary today : ) today December 14th is the closest reconing that abby and i can come to when we actually became best friends. and it is a happy day. four years whooo! and tonight we celebrate our singleness! we've known each other for 7 years but it took 3 before we became what we are now. even today people think we're twins. haha "we're six months apart you do the math". i remember the conversation that probably sealed the deal at Gabriel's. ah Gabriel's, what good memories. those were the days yet i'm so glad my life has moved on. things come and go. that's how it happens... however i never want this to end - my whatever you call it i have with abby. she's not my friend. she's much more. she's not my sister because sibling love has the excuse of being family. there is a natural love that comes for your own flesh. but we are not related at all. yet she is like my sister. she truly is my other half. we have gone and still go through practically the same drama. we learn from each other's mistakes. we've never fought. we can understand any emotion of the others and more than likely we are going through the same thing at the same time... oh yea and we can finish each other's sentences. for years i went without a good friend let alone a best friend. now for 7 solid years i've had a good friend and for 4 years going i have a best friend and as time has gone on, i have the other half of my spirit - not merely a kindred spirit.
so today i am nearly 20 and can stand with the dearest person to me in the world and say "yes i'm single because i have you". we have our song and our crazy conversations in which neither or us need to finish a sentence. i love you my dear friend. happy anniversary!

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