Wednesday, August 29, 2012

My savior is saved

original July 11th '12
"... did you not know what you were asking for in becoming a military wife?" Perhaps I didn't. I don't think anyone does. I've been reading up on the subject; yes, I'm a geek, nice to meet you. It's been painfully refreshing to know I'm not the only one who thinks and feels what I do. I mentally prepared for it as much as possible. But no one can ever understand some major life event until it is experience: mentally, physically, emotinally or spiritually. Mine is all of the above. Not just mine, any wife whose husband has been called away by duty to his country. I quote many, many other military wives that say, "You don't understand unless you are one. It either makes you... or breaks you." I intend, in God's power alone, to be one that it makes!
But I did not come here tonight to talk about my journey, but rather the reason I know I can make it through this journey, my inspiration to keep going. That reason is my husband. I wish I could tell each and every one of you the intricate details of each instance and situation this man has had to endure and has endured! By the very nature of his vocation, a United States Marine, he endures untold pressures most civilian men or women will never face. I thank each person who wears that Eagle, Globe and Anchor. I have seen and tasted your world. And I bow my head in respect for the life you must lead. It is not an easy one. You are the few and have every right to be proud for what you face every day. Yes Oorah's and Yuts are appropriate at this point!
My man though, and he is one at that, I married no boy for no boy could withstand what he does, he faces more challenges beyond the call of duty to his nation. He wakes up to a world everyday that is parched for God. Moreover, it is antagonistic toward what and Whom he believes. The enemy of our souls has done his best to bring him down. He must fight everyday and stake his claim in his Father's kingdom, not that of the prince of this world. He fights seen and unseen for his faith. Yet not only for his faith does he fight, but he fights for me and us. Almost every other relationship he has seen a buddy of his have when they met no longer exists. Marriages, engagements, dating relationships, none of them have a good track record in the military. However, our God has seen fit to make ours last and mature through this military life. His fellow Marines have marvelled at the vitality of our relationship, and praise God all he can do is give glory to our Savior. He has strengthened us both for this task.
But when waves hit, the man I married amazes me at how he can weather it and, just like a time we had at the beach when the current was too strong for me to stand, he grips my wrists and pulls us both back to shore, to safety. God gave me a man who He knew was strong enough to ford through the strong currents for both of us. He is a man who constantly is forced to go against the tide. It's tiring but he is the stronger for it. I am in complete awe of his ability to withstand set backs, cruelty, pain, disappointment and still come to my aid to help me wade through those deep waters. His capacity for kindness, patience, generosity of spirit never ceases amidst these trials. He took the advice of a beloved mentor to us both. He was told just before leaving for basic training, "Remember who you are and Whose you are." He has not forgotten either.
I am so blessed to have such a wonderful man as my husband, who lives a life that I cannot fathom having, but he does it to the glory of His Savior. Benjamin Arthur Wilburn always saves my day but that's because he has been saved for an eternity with his King, my King as well. To whoever calls Jesus Christ Lord and Master, He is Savior King to us all.
I love you baby.

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