Dear Void,
When is "enough" enough. There are times we hear people speaking about chasing your dreams and waiting for the best you can get. Then other times we are instructed to keep to the task at hand. "Dwell in the land and cultivate faithfulness". So my utter perplexity is vacillating between holding out or dwelling in. When things are laid in my lap is God saying "here now let's see how well you can use this to My glory" or "this is a test to see how fast you can pass that hot potato"? Do I camp or drive through the night? Ok Ok enough with the cheesy analogies. In all seriousness, I think it's a valid question for us all to put to varying situations in our lives. Unfortunately the answer is a little illusive. Through a constant dwelling on the Saviour's face, we may finally be able to make sense of our earthly life. "Focus on the eternal"! "Focus on the King"! As one of my favorite hymns says, "Turn your eyes upon Jesus and the things of this earth will grown strangely dim in the light of His glory and grace"!!!! O come Lord Jesus, come!! The only way to find true clarity in life is to intimately know Clarity Himself. For in Him there is no shadow or turning. He is the same yesterday, today, and forever! Hallelujah!
I've had enough of living life for only me
and reaching just for the things that keep destroying me
So sick of envying the lives of so many I've seen
somehow believing that they have what I need
My God's enough for me
This world has nothing I need
In this whole life I've seen
My God's enough for me
I can't explain why
I suffer though I live for You
Those who deny You
they have it better than I do
Cover my eyes now
so that my heart can finally see
that in the end only You mean anything
Who have I in heaven but You
Nothing I desire above You
My heart may fail but not you
You are mine forever
1 comment:
dear soul!
Your heart is focused on the King, all else will fall into place
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